Andrea Bances-Monard

Software Engineer

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A Little Bit About Me

I’m Andrea, a ballerina, turned chemist, turned software engineer. I am a creative and artistic individual with a keen eye for the small details. I love the healthcare field but have also found a passion for coding, I’m hoping to merge the two worlds to create software solutions that enhance patient care.


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Health Pal

This React app was built alongside two other engineers for the "Woman Who Code Hackathon for Social Good". It utilizes the chatGPT OpenAI API to give the user medical recommendations based on the users demographics, medical history, and current concern.

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BAMM Voyage

Pronounced like "Bon Voyage" this MERN stack project was built with three other engineers. We all shared a passion for travel and decided to build an application that would make travel planning easier.

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It's time to LevelUp your life. This MEN stack solo project was created specifically to get your life in order. It has a spot for everything from creating detailed goals to helping you break your pesky bad habits.

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Everyone's favorite casino game is finally here in a vintage Vegas theme. Built purely with HTML, CSS, and Javascript this blackjack game has it all from doubling down to ace logic. Get ready to gamble that money away, as they say, "scared money, don't make money".

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Need a place to showcase your favorite shows, well this is the app for you. This simple app was created in just a couple of days using Python and Django.

Tech Stack

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Orlando, Fl

Designed and Developed by Andrea Bances-Monard